RED FLAG WARNING for Alameda County from 11-05-2024 at 11:00 AM until 11-07-2024 at 07:00 AM. Strong offshore winds & dry conditions.
Oakland Firesafe Council

Practical Resources

Evacuation Guidelines, OFSC

Notifications and Warnings, OFSC Guide #02

Emergency Evacuations, OFSC Guide #06

Evacuation and Go-Bag Checklists, OFSC Guide #07

Genasys Protect (Zonehaven), OFSC Guide #23

  • See all GUIDES from Oakland Firesafe Council which include topics such as insurance, neighborhood organization, Firewise USA®, emergency communications, and more
  • Oakland Firesafe Council’s town hall series covers topics related to disaster readiness, focusing on practical knowledge to help you to make good judgments and to take actionable steps towards emergency preparedness. Watch the TOWN HALL RECORDINGS

  • Watch Duty alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time.
  • Genasys Protect (formerly Zonehaven Aware) follow a zone or turn on your location to get notified about danger wherever you are
  • MyShake is the country’s first publicly available, statewide warning system that could give California residents crucial seconds to take cover before you feel shaking.
  • Temblor Check your risk. Find insurance, retrofit, and data solutions for your earthquake, flood, wildfire, liquefaction, landslide, and tsunami risks.
  • CAL FIRE Ready for Wildfire web-based app to create a personalized wildfire readiness plan and learn active incident information.
  • FEMA Mobile App allows you to receive real-time weather alerts, locate emergency shelters in your area, prepare for common hazards, and more – such as a digital backpack for a backup of important physical documents
  • Citizen

City of Oakland Wildfire District Inspections

Oakland Wildfire Guide by Oaklandside

Gateway Emergency Preparedness Exhibit Center Oakland


• CAL FIRE Fire Hazard Severity Zones Maps

Cal OES (available in Spanish)

• Cal OES Hazard Mitigation Summit (Dec. 5-6, 2024) Presentation Slides

• California Dept of Aging Emergency Preparedness Guide for older adults (in multiple languages)

• California Dept of Public Health Emergency Preparedness Office Wildfires

California Fire Safe Council

• East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD) Fire Danger Levels and Restrictions

• EBRPD ALCO/CCCO Fuel Model Map

Firewise USA

IBHS Risk Research Wildfire Testing

Listos California (resources in multiple languages and for special considerations)

Wildfire Risk to Communities, USDA Forest Service

• 2023 Handbook of State Fire Marshal Listed Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Products

Smoke-Ready Toolbox for Wildfires, EPA

Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide

Draft Fire Hazard Planning Technical Advisory, State of California, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, November 2020 
The Homeowner’s Guide to Wildfire Prevention Before, During & After Wildfire by Robert Sieben
Historical Overview of Wildfires, Presentation (3/2/19) East Bay Chapter of SAF – Jerry Kent, former Assistant General Manager of EBRP