RED FLAG WARNING for Alameda County from 10-28-2023 at 05:00 AM until 10-29-2023 at 05:00 PM. Gusty offshore winds & dry conditions.
Oakland Firesafe Council

Oakland Vegetation Inspections 2024 Video

The Oakland Fire Dept/Vegetation Management Unit’s annual vegetation inspections are planned to start soon in Oakland’s Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones–mainly the hills and some foothill areas.

Adam Ball, Fire Inspector Supervisor (VMU) in the Fire Prevention Bureau was kind enough to record a “Town Hall” video for us last year to explain the inspection criteria and process. For this year nothing has changed except on the opening slide our Fire Chief is of course now Damon Covington.

To confirm: all the vegetation inspection criteria and process information noted in Adam’s 2023 video is the same for 2024.

This is great information from Adam that we should all review again so we’re prepared to pass the inspections this year. And so that we’re all more fire-safe as we head into the higher “wildfire season.”

Additionally review Oakland Firesafe Council’s Wildfire Safety Programs which include Firewise USA, Firescaping (landscaping for fire safety), Red Flag Warnings (what are they and what to do), ember safety, wildfire monitoring and reporting, safe street parking, Adopt-a-Hydrant and our GENOAK 2-way emergency radio network.