News and Notes
OFSC Seeks Exemptions for ADUs in WUI All Along Evacuation Route
April 23, 2021
The Oakland Firesafe Council, along with Make El Cerrito Firesafe, sent letters to State legislators today about bills dealing with addressing rezoning to allow for accessory dwelling units and increased density to address the affordable housing crisis in the state. […]
Major Die Off of Trees in East Bay Increases Fire Risk

April 15, 2021
By John Brega, Oakland Wildland Steward and Adopt-a-Spot Volunteer The year 2020 saw a massive die-off of many kinds of trees and shrubs in the East Bay hills, the Bay Area in general, and throughout much of coastal Northern California. […]
“How Will We Manage East Bay Wildfire Risk?
April 5, 2021
From California Native Plant Society: While 2020 is a year most of us would just as soon forget, as long as the climate keeps warming, the risk of large wildfires will continue as part of the “new abnormal.” How we […]
Stanford Symposium Focuses on Wildfire in the West
March 31, 2021
The State of the West symposium is a gathering at Stanford to take stock of the economic and fiscal health of the Western region. It features academic researchers, business and investment practitioners, and other stakeholders concerned with the well-being of […]
OCP&R’s First Two Years a Success
March 26, 2021
Our outreach program– Oakland Community Preparedness & Response (OCP&R) just released it’s final report to CalFire, from whom it received $125,000 to launch this successful emergency preparedness education and outreach program. Click here for the report.