News and Notes
April 2020 Update from OFSC Chair re COVID-19 and Wildfire Prevention
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020 Memo to: OFSC Members From: Sue Piper, OFSC Chair Despite our cancelling the April Oakland Firesafe Council (OFSC) meeting, I want to assure you that OFSC continues to work hard to keep the community and our city […]
Need a gardener to help with prep for the upcoming annual OFD inspections?

April 13, 2020
The current Pandemic Stay at Home orders allow gardeners/landscape/tree contractors to work on private property to reduce fire hazards. The Oakland Fire Department has announced that they will start the annual Inspections for Defensible Space in May. The Oakland Firesafe […]
Time to Prepare for Annual Fire Inspections in Oakland–starting in May, 2020
April 6, 2020
The most recent “Stay in Place” orders allow for gardeners/contractors to work on vegetation management projects on your property in preparation for the upcoming annual fire inspection in the Oakland Hills. OFSC Board member Bob Sieben has put together a […]
Connecting with Neighbors during Stay at Home Orders
March 28, 2020
The Oakland Firesafe Council’s (OFSC) focus has always been on before, during and after a disaster. While our primary interest is wildfire prevention, many of the same principals apply to local efforts to cope with the Covid 19 pandemic. One […]
In case you missed Bob Sieben's November 7 presentation on Homeowner's Guide to Wildfire Prevention
November 25, 2015
Bob gave this presentation at the Montclair Branch Library on November 7, 2015.