News and Notes
Weigh in on Oakland’s update of its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
February 10, 2021
The City of Oakland is in the process of updating its 2016-2021 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The LHMP serves as a meaningful guide to increasing the Oakland community’s resilience in the face of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, […]
15 Lessons Learned from the Webinar “Protecting Your City from Wildfire”
February 9, 2021
February 2-3, 2021 Sue PiperSecretary, United PolicyholdersChair, Oakland Firesafe Council The virtual conference “Protecting your City from Wildfire” offered two days of webinars and Q & A on a wide variety of topics that would interest planners, fire fighters and […]
Add a 5th Alternative to the Draft EIR
January 13, 2021
The Oakland Firesafe Council, along with more than 20 other neighborhood associations and local residents believes the current draft 10-year Vegetation Management Plan for Oakland and the Draft Environmental Impact Review (EIR) leads to a false sense of security. The […]
The East Bay Needs a Regional Approach to Wildfire Prevention

January 13, 2021
It is time for a new, more effective, regional approach if the East Bay Hills are to be safe from future wildfires. Using the Joint Powers Authority process to address the wildfire threat posed by inadequate vegetation management in the […]
May 11, 2020 Town Hall Meeting on Wildfire Prevention

May 13, 2020
More than 100 Oakland residents tuned in on Zoom and Council Member Sheng Thao’s Facebook page for the Town Hall Meeting on Wildfire Prevention on May 11) The meeting was sponsored by Councilmembers Kalb, Thao and Taylor and the Oakland […]