RED FLAG WARNING for Alameda County from 11-05-2024 at 11:00 AM until 11-07-2024 at 07:00 AM. Strong offshore winds & dry conditions.
Oakland Firesafe Council

News and Notes

Add a 5th Alternative to the Draft EIR

The Oakland Firesafe Council, along with more than 20 other neighborhood associations and local residents believes the current draft 10-year Vegetation Management Plan for Oakland and the Draft Environmental Impact Review (EIR) leads to a false sense of security. The […]

The East Bay Needs a Regional Approach to Wildfire Prevention

It is time for a new, more effective, regional approach if the East Bay Hills are to be safe from future wildfires. Using the Joint Powers Authority process to address the wildfire threat posed by inadequate vegetation management in the […]

May 11, 2020 Town Hall Meeting on Wildfire Prevention

More than 100 Oakland residents tuned in on Zoom and Council Member Sheng Thao’s Facebook page for the Town Hall Meeting on Wildfire Prevention on  May 11) The meeting was sponsored by Councilmembers Kalb, Thao and Taylor and the Oakland […]

April 2020 Update from OFSC Chair re COVID-19 and Wildfire Prevention

April 15, 2020 Memo to:  OFSC Members From:  Sue Piper, OFSC Chair Despite our cancelling the April Oakland Firesafe Council (OFSC) meeting, I want to assure you that OFSC continues to work hard to keep the community and our city […]

Need a gardener to help with prep for the upcoming annual OFD inspections?

The current Pandemic Stay at Home orders allow gardeners/landscape/tree contractors to work on private property to reduce fire hazards.  The Oakland Fire Department has announced that they will start the annual Inspections for Defensible Space in May.  The Oakland Firesafe […]