RED FLAG WARNING for Alameda County from 10-28-2023 at 05:00 AM until 10-29-2023 at 05:00 PM. Gusty offshore winds & dry conditions.
Oakland Firesafe Council

Call To Action From Oakland Firesafe Council

In the last week, we’ve seen wildfires in and around Livermore and Tracy; The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning this weekend from Redding to Fairfield, has reminded Bay Area residents that gusting wind should prompt caution with outdoor activities that prompt sparks.

Wondering how to channel your anxiety into something more productive? 

OFSC’s work over the last decade has helped to create many mechanisms that can and will make us less likely to suffer catastrophic loss from fires.  Many of our efforts are coming to fruition in the next few weeks and months and we’re hoping that you’ll be inspired to take some steps with us, so we’ll be successful together.  

The Wildfire Prevention Zone (WPZ) and the Wildfire Prevention Coordinating Group (WPCG) are evidence. For a personal reflection, read this message from David Kessler, Chair, North Hills Community Association. From a policy perspective, the WPZ and the reasons we should support it tie together several initiatives that OSFC has spearheaded or collaborated on with other community organizations and partners.

If you haven’t been following the WPZ, it’s a ballot measure that’s scheduled for a final vote by the Oakland City Council on June 26, 2024; the meeting starts at 1:30pm.

  • The preliminary round of documents are posted HERE
  • If you’d prefer a summary, it’s posted HERE

How is  the WPZ different from and better than the old Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD)?

The WPZ is built on the new Oakland Vegetation Management Plan that provides roadside clearance on evacuation routes (clearing brush and dead and dying trees for 100 feet from the center line), priority projects on City properties, improved coordination with Oakland Wild Land Stewards.  

The WPZ addresses the WPAD’s weak community oversight, now calling for an independent audit and policy recommendations directly to the City Council.

The WPZ recognizes the need for community education and outreach in collaboration with community organizations – OFSC is called out by name.

What can you do about the WPZ?

Familiarize yourself with the document, communicate your support to your neighbors, to your elected officials, to City Council prior to or at the June 26th meeting.  (Instructions for participation are included in the meeting’s agenda.  Electronic requests for public speaking on Zoom must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance.  Paper speaker cards must be submitted for public speaking in person must be submitted before the meeting is called to order.

Get involved in the campaign by volunteering to serve on the committee, canvas neighborhoods; get your all your neighborhood groups (Neighborhood Watch, Firewise USA®, Neighborhood Council – form a new one!) involved.  Donate, help to raise money for flyers, door hangers, etc. in this crowded ballot.  Reach out to broader groups (Oakland Wild Land Stewards, political party affiliates, etc.) that you know about or participate in and get them educated and involved:

  • Learn more about what these people can do this summer by reminding them about the resources provided by OFSC.
  • Be careful every day:  Of course you want to pass your inspection, but that’s only the first step.  According to CalFire, 95% of California wildfires are due to human activity – here’s an example.
  • Be especially vigilant around July 4th.  Police and fire departments will be patrolling, closing Grizzly Peak to non-residents, parking technicians will be enforcing, volunteers will be using their radios and riding their bikes to alert others and patrol.   Join them and thank them!
  • Mark your calendar for the Alameda County and OFSC Emergency Preparedness Day October 5th at the Ed Roberts Center by the Berkeley BART station – bring your family and friends.
  • Vote for the WPZ ballot measure on November 5th and get your family and friends out to vote!

~ Elizabeth Stage, Oakland Firesafe Council President